Asterisk Dialplan functions

شرح اقترانات أستريسك التي يمكننا ان نستعملها في برمجه خارطه الااتصال
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مشاركات: 234
اشترك في: 11 مايو 2010, 19:53
مكان: Germany

Asterisk Dialplan functions

مشاركة بواسطة albalawi »

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هنا سيتم ذكر جميع اقترانات استريسك وسيتم شرحها كل على حده في موضوع ان شاء الله.


كود: تحديد الكل

trixbox1*CLI> show functions
Installed Custom Functions:
AGENT                 AGENT(<agentid>[:item])              Gets information about an Agent
ARRAY                 ARRAY(var1[|var2[...][|varN]])       Allows setting multiple variables at once
BASE64_DECODE         BASE64_DECODE(<base64_string>)       Decode a base64 string
BASE64_ENCODE         BASE64_ENCODE(<string>)              Encode a string in base64
BLACKLIST             BLACKLIST()                          Check if the callerid is on the blacklist
CALLERID              CALLERID(datatype[,<optional-CID>])  Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.
CDR                   CDR(<name>[|options])                Gets or sets a CDR variable
CHANNEL               CHANNEL(item)                        Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel.
CHECK_MD5             CHECK_MD5(<digest>,<data>)           Checks an MD5 digest
CHECKSIPDOMAIN        CHECKSIPDOMAIN(<domain|IP>)          Checks if domain is a local domain
CURL                  CURL(url[|post-data])                Retrieves the contents of a URL
CUT                   CUT(<varname>,<char-delim>,<range-s  Slices and dices strings, based upon a named delimiter.
DB                    DB(<family>/<key>)                   Read from or write to the Asterisk database
DB_DELETE             DB_DELETE(<family>/<key>)            Return a value from the database and delete it
DB_EXISTS             DB_EXISTS(<family>/<key>)            Check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk database
DUNDILOOKUP           DUNDILOOKUP(number[|context[|option  Do a DUNDi lookup of a phone number.
ENUMLOOKUP            ENUMLOOKUP(number[|Method-type[|opt  ENUMLOOKUP allows for general or specific querying of NAPTR records or counts of NAPTR types for ENUM or ENUM-like DNS pointers
ENV                   ENV(<envname>)                       Gets or sets the environment variable specified
EVAL                  EVAL(<variable>)                     Evaluate stored variables.
EXISTS                EXISTS(<data>)                       Existence Test: Returns 1 if exists, 0 otherwise
FIELDQTY              FIELDQTY(<varname>|<delim>)          Count the fields, with an arbitrary delimiter
FILTER                FILTER(<allowed-chars>|<string>)     Filter the string to include only the allowed characters
GLOBAL                GLOBAL(<varname>)                    Gets or sets the global variable specified
GROUP                 GROUP([category])                    Gets or sets the channel group.
GROUP_COUNT           GROUP_COUNT([groupname][@category])  Counts the number of channels in the specified group
GROUP_LIST            GROUP_LIST()                         Gets a list of the groups set on a channel.
GROUP_MATCH_COUNT     GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(groupmatch[@categ  Counts the number of channels in the groups matching the specified pattern
IAXPEER               IAXPEER(<peername|CURRENTCHANNEL>[|  Gets IAX peer information
IF                    IF(<expr>?[<true>][:<false>])        Conditional: Returns the data following '?' if true else the data following ':'
IFTIME                IFTIME(<timespec>?[<true>][:<false>  Temporal Conditional: Returns the data following '?' if true else the data following ':'
ISNULL                ISNULL(<data>)                       NULL Test: Returns 1 if NULL or 0 otherwise
KEYPADHASH            KEYPADHASH(<string>)                 Hash the letters in the string into the equivalent keypad numbers.
LANGUAGE              LANGUAGE()                           Gets or sets the channel's language.
LEN                   LEN(<string>)                        Returns the length of the argument given
MATH                  MATH(<number1><op><number 2>[,<type  Performs Mathematical Functions
MD5                   MD5(<data>)                          Computes an MD5 digest
MUSICCLASS            MUSICCLASS()                         Read or Set the MusicOnHold class
QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT    QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(<queuename>)      Count number of members answering a queue
QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST     QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST(<queuename>)       Returns a list of interfaces on a queue
QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT   QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT(<queuename>)     Count number of calls currently waiting in a queue
QUEUEAGENTCOUNT       QUEUEAGENTCOUNT(<queuename>)         Count number of agents answering a queue
QUOTE                 QUOTE(<string>)                      Quotes a given string, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
RAND                  RAND([min][|max])                    Choose a random number in a range
REALTIME              REALTIME(family|fieldmatch[|value[|  RealTime Read/Write Functions
REGEX                 REGEX("<regular expression>" <data>  Regular Expression
SET                   SET(<varname>=[<value>])             SET assigns a value to a channel variable
SHA1                  SHA1(<data>)                         Computes a SHA1 digest
SIP_HEADER            SIP_HEADER(<name>[,<number>])        Gets the specified SIP header
SIPCHANINFO           SIPCHANINFO(item)                    Gets the specified SIP parameter from the current channel
SIPPEER               SIPPEER(<peername>[|item])           Gets SIP peer information
SORT                  SORT(key1:val1[...][,keyN:valN])     Sorts a list of key/vals into a list of keys, based upon the vals
SPEECH                SPEECH(argument)                     Gets information about speech recognition results.
SPEECH_ENGINE         SPEECH_ENGINE(name)=value            Change a speech engine specific attribute.
SPEECH_GRAMMAR        SPEECH_GRAMMAR([nbest number/]resul  Gets the matched grammar of a result if available.
SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE   SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE()=results type   Sets the type of results that will be returned.
SPEECH_SCORE          SPEECH_SCORE([nbest number/]result   Gets the confidence score of a result.
SPEECH_TEXT           SPEECH_TEXT([nbest number/]result n  Gets the recognized text of a result.
SPRINTF               SPRINTF(<format>|<arg1>[|...<argN>]  Format a variable according to a format string
STAT                  STAT(<flag>,<filename>)              Does a check on the specified file
STRFTIME              STRFTIME([<epoch>][|[timezone][|for  Returns the current date/time in a specified format.
STRPTIME              STRPTIME(<datetime>|<timezone>|<for  Returns the epoch of the arbitrary date/time string structured as described in the format.
TIMEOUT               TIMEOUT(timeouttype)                 Gets or sets timeouts on the channel.
TXTCIDNAME            TXTCIDNAME(<number>)                 TXTCIDNAME looks up a caller name via DNS
URIDECODE             URIDECODE(<data>)                    Decodes a URI-encoded string according to RFC 2396.
URIENCODE             URIENCODE(<data>)                    Encodes a string to URI-safe encoding according to RFC 2396.
VMCOUNT               VMCOUNT(vmbox[@context][|folder])    Counts the voicemail in a specified mailbox
66 custom functions installed.
The 'show functions' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'core show functions' instead.
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